The Game
from upcoming book Creative Awakening: Journal and Workbook
Find an art partner you trust.
Decide on a project you want to work on together.
Decide on the materials you will use, your purpose, and agree on the rules of engagement.
For art projects:
Examples; Canvas and oil paint, pen and ink on paper, charcoals and newsprint, watercolors and watercolor paper, journal and pencils, materials for collage assemblage, clay for sculpture.
Or, for culinary projects:
Examples; any food items needed for the project.
Or, for poetry, stories, screenplays:
Examples; Paper and pencil/pen, one computer passed back and forth, a whiteboard and sticky notes, refrigerator magnets, and refrigerator.
Decide on a purpose between you:
Examples; To explore abstract art. To combine interesting designs. To paint a picture that would look good in the kitchen. To make ornaments for the holiday tree together. To tell a Children’s story. To create a poem that reflects this holiday together. To explore new ways of baking the bread. To tell a two-character perspective story using one event. To choreograph a two-person dance.
Rules of engagement:
Be respectful of the ideas/marks/words that the other brings to the project, and no matter what, Say Yes! Just as in the rules of improvisational theatre, you must accept and play off of whatever the other person gives you. If they put what you feel is a blob in the middle of your perfect landscape, you work with it gladly! The whole point of the game is to be open and flexible. To see what unique ideas that can come out of the energy of two.
There is no “NO” in the game.
Always appreciate with words what gifts the other brings to the game. Tell them what their perspective adds to yours.