
Create your new possible

Rachel Kulchin Rachel Kulchin

Five Qualities that “CONSISTENT CREATIVES” Develop

After working with countless creative makers, I have found there are some common traits they share. All artists have challenges to face: developing regular routines for creativity, learning to manage self-doubt, and facing rejection and judgment from others.

Conquering these challenges seems to be the nature of the creative beast. How each artist slays them is unique, but the lessons learned through facing those inherent challenges leave some common traits.

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Rachel Kulchin Rachel Kulchin

Find Your Creative Tribe

Creativity requires you to be a lone wolf.

To grow and flourish, you need space and time to reach your zone place, and that is often achieved by being alone. The travails of creative pursuits require courage to defeat the voices of self-doubt and navigate the uncertain waters of creativity.

Those who are not pursuing a creative life may not understand the journey. Their attempts at support may turn out to be unhelpful.

That’s why finding other creatives in your life is such a worthy goal.

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Rachel Kulchin Rachel Kulchin

In Spite of the Army of Voices in My Head, I Wrote a Book

When I finally committed to writing my non-fiction book on creativity, I had many ideas. So many, in fact, they tumbled into my head at the most inopportune times. I had to stop whatever I was doing - driving the car, eating with a friend, plucking my eyebrows, and catch them before they dissipated into thin air. For months this went on until finally I had to write the damn book.

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Rachel Kulchin Rachel Kulchin

5 steps to remember when you’re scared to start

Do you feel overwhelmed, anxiety, confusion, and fear when you have set goals for yourself that you don’t quite know how to reach yet?

We often have a great vision for ourselves, but don’t always know how to get to THERE yet.  So, we often get stuck and procrastinate out of fear of the unknown.

It’s a biology thing.  It’s not your fault.

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