Envisioning a World Where Creativity is Revered

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If I were queen of the universe, the world would be peaceful, and the people would be thriving. In my realm, creativity is king. My people are called THE CREATORS.

Just like needing daily food, sleep, exercise, it is bred in everyone’s bones that since we all are inherently creative, in order to thrive, we must create every day. To make something from nothing, merely from a seed of an idea that was not there before.

No one would say, “I am not creative,” just like no one would say I am never thirsty or need to sleep. The people just think of themselves as CREATORS in every area of their life, including how they communicate or love.

No one would ever think to judge another on how or what or why someone created something, because everyone knows the value was in the doing, the expressing of something coming out of your true and natural self — that thing that grows fingernails and pulses blood through veins. Creativity is everyone’s birthright, not an expected outcome. In this realm, everyone receives accolades when they honor their impulses to make with their heart and hands.

If someone were sad or discouraged, people in the realm would encourage them by asking, “What have you made today?”

What inside yourself did you connect to today with your hands and your head and your heart?

There would be no regard for the stories of “I can’t,” “Nobody will like it,” or “I don’t have time.” The people would laugh uproariously at those words. That would be like saying you can’t beat your heart. Preposterous. The only judgment from others would not be in what you produced but whether you honored your creative impulses that day.

Maybe you would make love, make peace or make muffins. You could make a story, a sketch, a song. You could make a poem, grow a plant, make a person’s day…anything that started with a seed of an idea and made into form.

Here, people don’t need therapists because they heal themselves when they connect to the quiet, still place of making. The zone of creativity is a form of meditation (one where you are not told you are doing it incorrectly by the experts.)

Confidence: Here, the people are a confident lot, because creativity will always provide opportunities for making decisions and solving problems, one by one. The more they make decisions and create their solutions, the more they learn to trust themselves.

Trust: The more they trust themselves, the more they listen to their impulses and instincts, which at some point will have them wonder if they are being led by something bigger than themselves. Soon, they will be in a relationship with some higher source. So, as a result, the realm is a spiritually enlightened lot.

Peace: The people in the realm here are peaceful. When they are focused on expressing themselves, they have little energy to be in other’s business. Hubris and an unhealthy ego are not a thing here. Nobody takes themselves too seriously. Thus, we have no wars.

The gift of giving themselves the right to express their creativity every day has always been honored here. It is the reason everyone is thriving.

You can also read this post on Medium.


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