Create your new possible
Envisioning a World Where Creativity is Revered
In this world, no one would ever say, “I am not creative,” just like no one would say I am never thirsty or need to sleep. The people just think of themselves as CREATORS in every area of their life, including how they communicate or love.
The Red Truck and The Game
One of the best ways I know to learn flexibility and openness in your creativity is to collaborate with a fellow artist.
Your Story Matters
My story about the medicine of showing up with an open heart and being the witness to another’s story. And, as is often the case when giving to others, we receive, in turn, gifts in multiples.
The Power of Play in Creativity and Life
Could it be that playful-ness is a more enlightened state of being than we have been domesticated to consider?
How to Talk to Yourself When You’re Not Good at Something Yet
The naïve and straightforward tool that keeps your momentum going when new things are hard.